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Creating a relaxing evening routine for better sleep
Creating a relaxing evening routine for better sleep is a positive goal. A relaxing evening routine makes you have a better night, which can help you with how your next day goes. If you are a person with...
The ultimate morning routine for people with epilepsy
If you have epilepsy or are trying to help a loved one with epilepsy this is a great article for you. We are going over the ultimate morning routines for people with epilepsy. It is obvious that an epilepsy-friendly...
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Top stress-relief products for epilepsy management
Top stress-relief products for epilepsy management Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in the brain that causes a person to have seizures. There are two types of seizures generalized seizures and focal...
How to Build a Supportive Daily Routine with Epilepsy
How to Build a Supportive Daily Routine with Epilepsy Suppose you are like me and live with epilepsy. You know it is hard and trying to have a basic peaceful day-to-day life is challenging. But in this...
Managing personal care after seizures
Managing Personal Care After Seizures (Disclosure: There are affiliate links on my content, I may earn a small commission if you purchase through these links at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon...
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